Top Be The Girl On The Right Shirt
Whatever happened to the Be The Girl On The Right Shirt also I will do this Long Lady Wallet? That long and lean financial accessory, proportioned for a checkbook, and fitted with an interior cash pocket and slots for perhaps a dozen credit cards. Maybe you recall your mother or grandmother or aunt wielding one at the grocery store checkout. Once upon a time, owning a Long Lady Wallet–or LLW, as I like to call it, or “continental wallet,” as it’s more officially named–seemed like an essential part of making transactions.. Now it’s all but defunct, a vestige of the non-digital economy. And a vestige, too, of an era when adultness was a bit more defined and refined.
Maybe I’m wondering if it’s time to revive the Be The Girl On The Right Shirt also I will do this Long Lady Wallet. After all, it’s super-efficient to wave an iPhone at an ApplePay reader and–ping!–call it a day, but, in my experience, that same efficiency makes spending money freakishly easy, a little too frictionless as if I’m paying with seemingly virtual cash. I have trouble tracking my spending. Debit cards aren’t much better, in this regard. And half the time, I can’t even find my debit card: I go digging around my handbag, unearth my little card case streaked with leaked concealer and bloated with faded receipts, and realize I’ve left said card in the back pocket of a pair of jeans. Perhaps this payment derangement is because purchasing things has lost all formality. There’s no ritual of opening up a wallet, getting your card out of its allotted slot, handing it over to be swiped by an actual human being, and, at the end of a focused transition of money for goods and services, putting it back where it belongs.
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