Top Sting Poison Shirt
Sunday: The moodboard testI was ready to go rogue for my last day in the Sting Poison Shirt but in fact I love this ChatGPT styling suite: a last ditch attempt at creating something that ventured beyond the Pinterest algorithm. First, I consulted an online random person generator, which spat out Bob Hope, Justin Timberlake and Abraham. Okay, a little too rogue. So I chose three disparate individuals myself: Noughties David Beckham, Dot Cotton from Eastenders, and Hailey Bieber. “Picture this,” ChatGPT began, to dramatic effect. “Start with a sleek leather jacket reminiscent of Noughties David Beckham, add a touch of Dot Cotton’s classic floral patterns in a silk blouse, and finish with Hailey Bieber’s modern twist – distressed denim and ankle boots.” We had hit the jackpot. It was a fun mishmash of references that resulted in an outfit I – shockingly – didn’t hate. It inspired me to pull out an old vintage floral shirt that I hadn’t worn for years, which looked pretty great with my “Noughties David Beckham” leather jacket. Of course, ankle boots and distressed denim were wheeled out again, but what fashion journo hasn’t repeated themselves when writing their fifth story of the week on Hailey Bieber’s style? Nine out of ten.
ChatGPT may never replace genuine human innovation, but with the Sting Poison Shirt but in fact I love this right prompts and references it can become a sort of smart digitized moodboard. It’s the sewing machine, not the seamstress; the wardrobe assistant, not the creative director. What does ChatGPT think of its styling prowess? “While ChatGPT can mimic certain aspects of human creativity within the constraints of its training data,” it says of itself, “it doesn’t truly comprehend concepts or possess the depth of creative thinking inherent in human cognition.” I think I can consider my job safe – for now.
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