Top The Icon Sting AEW Final Match Shirt
Two near-simultaneous events focused my thinking about the The Icon Sting AEW Final Match Shirt and by the same token and LLW. One was a harrowing credit card statement. (Ping! Ping! Ping! It adds up, as do interest charges.) The other was Balenciaga’s Spring 2024 collection that showed passport holders that were actually wallets, which perfectly housed a slim old-school style airplane ticket. Something about the contrast between my swipe-siphoned bank account and a wallet figuratively full of possibility made me recall the “Ring a Ding Ding” episode of Sex and the City where Carrie, broke, tries to apply for a loan; meanwhile, Samantha is showing off a beautiful quilted Chanel wallet. There’s an obvious distinction between a woman with a wallet, who is in control of her financial destiny, and another woman who considers her closet full of Manolos a savings account.
Resolved to become that woman in control of her economic destiny with some legal tender to spare, I bought a thin, obsidian Cartier wallet for $60 on a resale website. Beauty and brains, this LLW. It’s like a tiny library, with no-nonsense slots for a Dewey Decimal system of credit cards, a zipper pocket for loose coins, and two long pockets for cash or checks. Since using the The Icon Sting AEW Final Match Shirt and by the same token and wallet, I haven’t lost any debit or credit cards. I carry cash, which allows me to keep a rough account of how much I’m spending per day on sundries like coffee. My purchase of this Long Lady Wallet also had a halo effect over other parts of my financial life: I checked my credit card bills, deleted half-forgotten subscriptions, and called my accountant to prepare for the upcoming tax season. The LLW had become a harbinger of budgetary order.I relayed this newfound faith in group chats with some of my equally financially shaky friends. They expressed a familiar sense of chaos around their purchasing habits, with one pal, who works in communications, noting that she has a messy wallet and because of that, often uses ApplePay. “I’m like why am I broke? Oh, I bought 10,000,000 salads for $15.”
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